
Gopali Dasi-Doyle

Gopali Dasi Doyle was raised in northern NSW and was fortunate to experience a childhood immersed in Bhakti yoga and the Ayurvedic lifestyle.

Gopali remembers picking up her first Ayurvedic book when she was around 11-years-old and being mesmerised by the amazing concepts that she found. It was written by Vasant Lad, a master of Ayurveda who she is deeply inspired by and whose books she continues to read.

Gopali has always felt a strong, inherent desire to help and nurture others, becoming inspired to complete her first qualification in 2010 and graduating with a Bachelor of Social Science majoring in counselling.

Soon after qualifying she became a counsellor and social worker. She thrived in this role but felt a strong pull back to her roots in Eastern culture, being drawn to complete her first yoga teaching qualification in 2011. She then opened her own yoga business and studio in the South West region of Western Australia.

Gopali’s passion for yoga only became stronger and to this day she continues to study with world renowned teachers such as Shiva Rea.

Having always been deeply fervent about natural health and healing, Gopali had a strong calling to formally study natural medicine for many years until there came a time when she could no longer ignore the pull to study the timeless healing system of Ayurveda.

When she heard the teacher in her very first lecture say, “You don’t choose Ayurveda, Ayurveda chooses you,” this resonated so deeply within her she knew had chosen the right path.

Since graduating with the Advanced Diploma of Ayurveda, in which she was awarded Excellence of Achievement, Gopali has followed her dream and  established her own Ayurvedic practice in Murwillumbah, where she loves offering Ayurveda to her community.

Developing a deeper understanding of Ayurveda has changed Gopali’s life in many profound ways and she is eager to share this with others. She is deeply passionate about nutrition and emotional health and wellbeing, and has been deeply inspired by the Ayurvedic philosophy around these.

Gopali has a gift for sharing the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in a modern context, facilitating regular women’s workshops as well as teaching Ayurvedic cooking, diet, lifestyle and yoga.

Gopali has a unique ability to simplify the complex science of Ayurveda so that anyone can have access to its healing benefits and integrate its essence into everyday living. Her goal is to help build a bridge between east and west and show people how truly amazing this ancient wisdom is and how deeply it can enrich your life.


Yoga Teacher Training


Yoga Teacher Training